                   Created by HCS Summit's 3rd and 4th grade class with support from
                                    Mrs. McCormack and Mrs. Hoeppner.

                                                  Hinesburg, Vermont

The 13 original colonies were grouped into three distinct geographic regions:
New England Colonies, Middle Colonies, and Southern Colonies.

New England Colonies

 Why pilgrims came to the New England Colonies

           Many pilgrims came to America because they had to pay off debt ant they were going to get food, blankets and wood that they would bring back to England for money.

          Another reason that pilgrims came to America is because they wanted to start a new life either because they had no home or they had lost a loved one and just wanted to have a new life because there was too many memories at their house.

           The last reason that people came to America is because they wanted freedom of religion because they did not get to do what they wanted to do and they were getting bossed around in England.

 Why the New England Colonies were called The New England colonies

           The New England states are called the New England states because a long time ago the English people sailed on a boat from England and settled in a new land it was new to them so they called the land New England because it was new to them and they came from England.

Middle Colonies

    The states in the Middle Colonies were Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, and New Jersey. There were only four states in the Middle Colonies. 

          The Middle Colonies had lots of natural rivers. Many rivers led to the ocean. Two famous rivers are the Hudson River and the Delaware River. The Middle Colonies were also known as the bread basket colonies because they grew lots of wheat and rye.

Industry was when the black smith made kitchen tools and made hunting things to help people skin animals and cut things that they grew.     

You didn’t have to be one specific religion to go to church you just had to be a religion. After women went to church they could do anything they wanted to do because they work so hard they should get a day off.

          The jobs in the middle colonies were farming, glass blowers, silver smith’s, tailors, brick makers, iron working, fur trapping, soap making, and artisans.

          The middle colonies had indentured servants and slaves but they thought that it was evil and rewarded slaves with food and clothes. Now they use slaves for farming and planting.

          The farming in the middle colonies was great because there soil was not rocky and was rich. The middle colonies planted wheat, rye, corn and barley.

          The games in the Middle Colonies were like lacrosse, mancala, and marbles. The kids played games a lot other than doing schoolwork and chores/ jobs.

Now you know about the games, farming, indentured servants/slaves, jobs, religion, land, and industry. Can you remember the four states in the Middle Colonies?

  Southern Colonies

Are you interested in the Southern Colonies? The Southern Colonies are a great place to live because the weather is warm and the economy is great because the soil is rich so you can grow rice, indigo, cotton, and, best of all, really good tobacco! Also, great vegetables like corn and carrots.

 The most northern colony is Maryland. Next comes Virginia, then North Carolina, then South Carolina, and most southern is Georgia.

The Southern Colonies are called the Southern Colonies because they are in the South.

People moved to the Southern Colonies because they wanted to trade food and furs with the Indians.